5 Ways to Start Building Confidence in YOUR Business
If you are a newer entrepreneur, it can be hard to put yourself out there and really feel 100% confident with what you’re doing because you’ve never done it before. I know that I felt that way 6 years ago when I started my first business! Ultimately, time and experience is going to give you the best sense of confidence but there are 5 additional pieces of advice that I have for you and I hope that they help!
1. Learn, learn, learn
The more you know about your business and niche, the more confident that you’re going to feel talking about it. Whatever industry you’re in, learn as much as you can so that you can better help your ideal client. I know that when I started my first business, I took a lot of time to learn as much about business and my industry that I could. Take the time to seriously do some research and ask questions. The more you know, the better!
2. Do things that scare you
If you hide behind the scenes, you’ll never break out of your comfort zone and actually see what you can accomplish, right? By doing things that scare you, you’re going to see how amazing you actually are, and therefore your confidence is going to naturally build. Anytime you try something for the first time, it’s always going to seem a little awkward. In order to grow it’s essential that we step outside of our comfort zone.
3. Start believing in yourself and what you offer
Do you really believe in yourself, your products, and what you have to offer? If you don’t, then people are not going to believe you either. I know that my 1:1 coaching works because of the amazing results that my clients get, so when I’m on a Discovery Call with a new potential client, I don’t really have to pitch them anything. I share with them how I can help, what problems I solve, listen to them, answer their questions and boom!
4. List out all of your strengths
I highly recommend sitting down and making a list of your strengths and skillsets. What are you good at? What comes naturally to you? What do others often ask you help for? Focus on your strengths and really build those up. My goal is to help other female entrepreneurs start a profitable business that is built around a passion or skill that they have. I’ve done this twice already with two different businesses and I know that it’s completely possible to do. I used my knowledge and love of teaching and music to start a tutoring and music company that is now a 6-figure business. After years of running my own business and learning the ins and outs of business, I now do Business Coaching for female entrepreneurs so that they can do the same.
5. Do mindset work daily
This is SOOOO important. Mindset work is one of the main areas that I focus on with my clients because the results are HUGE!! Each day is going to challenge us with new struggles, and we have to be mentally prepared for all of this. There are tons of ways to practice mindset work such as journaling, repeating mantras in your head, writing down those affirmations and posting them around so that you can visually see them. You have a choice on how you want to proceed with your life, and this all depends on the way you think. If you believe that things are not going to work, then they’re not going to work. When you start developing a rock-solid mindset, then your confidence will follow!
If you’re looking for ways to start building your confidence and mindset in business, then I invite you to join my Facebook group, Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs. I do weekly live trainings in there and it’s a party every day! There are so many wonderful women in there that are building their own business and dream life and we would love to have you. :)