The Top 5 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

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You want to grow your business, right?  Well, my mission is to help you accomplish this while saving you lots of time and money.  There are 5 main marketing mistakes that I see many entrepreneurs making and I’m honestly guilty of doing some of these in the past.  Let’s try to acknowledge them and fix them so that you can start seeing some amazing results in your business!  

1.   Trying to be everything for everybody

This is extremely common for new business owners.  You started a business and you want clients and money, so you try to fix every problem and work at any given time.  Sound familiar?  When you try to do too much at once or try to offer too many services at once, you often confuse your audience and can burn yourself out pretty quickly.  We don’t want that!  You want to build a business that is sustainable for you and your lifestyle for the long haul.  That doesn’t equate to servicing every single person.  When you really find who your ideal client is and niche down, then you can spend your time efficiently working with those people and marketing to them.  Find a focus! 

2.  Not having an online presence

There are many business owners that either don’t have a website or are not actively involved on social media.  A website is great to have because that is the face of your business.  It’s not necessary to invest a ton of money into a fancy website and many new business owners can get away with just having an online presence on social media or even creating a simple landing page.  When people go to either your website or social media pages, they should be able to identify right away who you are, who you help and what problems you solve.  It literally takes 3 seconds for a person to click off of your website if it doesn’t catch their attention.  Having an online presence is crucial right now!  The people that you see that are making it big have a set social media strategy and visibility plan so that people see them all of the time.  Do you have an online presence and if not, what can you start changing to have one?

3.  Talking all about yourself

Yes, it’s important to incorporate storytelling into your social media posts but you don’t always want to be talking about you, you, you!   The content that you create should always be focused on your ideal client and their struggles and how you can help them overcome them.  One suggestion that I give my personal coaching clients is to give your ideal client a name, say Mary.  Create a client avatar in which you write down ALL things about Mary.  How old is Mary?  Where does she live?  What are Mary’s problems?  What is her lifestyle?  What are some adjectives to describe Mary?  Then when you go to write your content, speak directly to Mary.  The more you focus your content on your ideal client, the more you will start attracting them to you.   

4.  Spending too much time on the wrong tasks

Running a successful business takes a lot of work and you have to wear many, many different hats.  One area that I see entrepreneurs struggle with is focusing their time and energy on the wrong tasks.  How much time are you actually spending on building relationships and client engaging activities?  Are you spending the majority of your time behind the scenes consuming more and more information or are you putting yourself out there so that people know who you are and who you help?  If you think you’re struggling in this area, then I suggest trying to track your time to see where you are spending the most time.  

5.  Trying to be on every social media platform

You do not have to be on every single social media platform in order to have a successful and thriving business!   I actually recommend to my personal coaching clients to pick 1-2 platforms at most, and really focus on those.  Remember, all social media platforms function slightly differently anyway and you’re going to get extremely burnt out if you spend all of your time posting on 6 different platforms.  Make it easy for yourself and not harder!  Think of easy business can get if you just choose to focus on 1-2 platforms. 

If you’re currently struggling in your business and trying to do ‘all the things’ and nothing is working, then we need to chat!  I encourage you to apply to work together below.  This might just be the sign that you’re waiting for!

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Sarah Kochan