How to Get Your Motivation Back and Start Crushing Some Major Goals

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Do any of these resonate with you?
- You have some amazing goals in mind but can’t seem to get them going
-  You are exhausted and simply thinking about your goals overwhelms you
-  You know you should be showing up on social media, but you are not consistent with your actions
-  Something is holding you back…fear, the unknown, success…
-  You have a list of things to-do but always end up procrastinating
- You want to start making consistent $5k-10k months but have trouble signing one client

There are certain times in our business where we can maybe get in a funk or just lose motivation on moving forward and things can feel SO heavy.  I know that I’ve been there before!  No matter where you are on your business journey, you can always make a change.  Let’s help get you unstuck so that you can start crushing some major business goals!  

Take responsibility for your current situation

You are in full control of your life, current situation, and your destiny.  You always have a choice on how to move forward, no matter what situation you’re in and some decisions are not easy to make.  Wherever you currently are, take a moment to acknowledge that and accept it.  No excuses and no blaming others!  Today is a new day and you can always start fresh.  Reflect on your current situation and think about how you really feel.  

How to get unstuck and push forward

There are ways to break out of your funk and to start moving forward with your life and business and I want to share 3 of these with you below.  These have all helped me tremendously and my personal coaching clients.

1. Get super clear on your vision
Whenever I feel stuck, I always think about my big vision.  What is it exactly that I’m aiming for and why?  Many times, people can feel stuck because they don’t know exactly what they want.  I went through one of the darkest times in my personal life about 7 years ago.  I had just gotten divorced, was miserable in my full-time job, and had this huge weight just sitting on me.  I knew that I wanted a better life and I could really envision what that looked like.  It was at that time in my life that I started my first business and dug myself back out of the hole that I was in.  I wanted to feel happy, I wanted to feel fulfilled, I wanted to stress less and be freer.  So, I got up and worked my a** off to make it happen.  If you’re not sure what your vision is, then I encourage you to do some self-discovery and journal about what you really want in life.  

2.  Start writing a new story for yourself
Your past does not define you and you get to write your future story however you want!  The person you are today is not the same person you were 5 or 10 years ago.  Who do you want to be?  What can you start changing in both your personal life and in your business to start working towards that big vision that you have?  Forget the past and start writing a new story.                          

3.  Create small attainable goals
Sometimes we start to feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin so we don’t even begin…sound familiar?  If you are feeling overwhelmed with ‘all of the things’, make a list of what you need to accomplish and then start prioritizing those tasks and breaking them down into smaller goals for yourself.  Let’s say for example that you just started a business and want to create a website, but you don’t know how to start.  Do a brain dump and make a list of everything that comes to mind.  Decide where you want to host it, look for website themes, map out your pages and the content on them, make a list of what you want in your menu, and find pictures you want to use.  Once you start getting your thoughts out of your head and on paper, you’ll start to feel a lot better.  

6 Ways to Find Inspiration 

1.  Find your WHY
If you want to start something or change something, you have to determine what your WHY is.  Why are you doing this and what are you hoping to accomplish?  

2.  Make a commitment to yourself
Write out your own commitment statement.  It’s one thing to ‘think’ about things you might want to achieve but by actually writing it down and committing to it, you are showing yourself and the universe that you are in it for the long haul.  

3.  Find an accountability partner
It’s not always easy to do new things or to set goals by yourself.  If you’re feeling unmotivated then I highly recommend finding an accountability partner.  This could be a friend, a co-worker, or maybe another entrepreneur that you connected with online.  

4.  Surround yourself with like-minded people
If you’re regularly around people that don’t support you or understand what you’re trying to do, then find new people to be around.  Find people that inspire you and can push you to your next level.

5. Journal
Start journaling and writing down exactly what you feel.  You can do this in the morning or at night before you go to bed.  Just write.  This is for you!  Don’t worry about the length or what you are writing.    

6.  Get support
You don’t have to go through this journey alone.  It’s honestly better to go through this with someone who has already been there and can show you the ropes.  Over the past six years, I’ve personally worked with three amazing Business Coaches, each who have helped take my business to the next level.  Now, I get to help amazing women like you!  

If you’re feeling stuck in your business and need support, then I’ve got you covered!  I’m a Business Coach for high-achieving female entrepreneurs that want to scale their businesses to 5-figure months without feeling overwhelmed.  I would love to chat with you and learn about your business needs.  If this is what you need then apply below!

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