The Steps You Need to Take to Develop a Clear Offer for Your Audience

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“Care enough to create value for customers.
If you get that part right, selling is easy.” 
– Anthony Iannarino

In order to run a successful business, you need to have offers and they have to be very specific and clear for your audience.  Have you ever read through some type of service or product online and felt confused by what they were offering?  I know I have!  We definitely don’t want that for your business.  You want your offer to be irresistible and compelling so that your ideal clients look at it and say, “Where do I sign up?”  Don’t worry, I’m going to help with my 6-step process that you need to develop a clear offer for your audience so that you can start attracting your dream clients.

Step 1:  What are you offering?

I know that this seems like an obvious question but there are many entrepreneurs that do not present their offer in a straightforward way so that people know exactly what it is.  Are you selling a course, a program, a product, a mastermind, a digital marketing resource such as an e-book, a coaching package?  Take the time to sit down and write down exactly what your offer is and exactly everything they’ll get within that offer.

Step 2:  Who is this for?

The answer to this question is going to be your ideal client.  Think about if this person is going to be male or female or both.  What is your ideal client’s age range?  Where do they live?  What are their hobbies?  What are their character traits?  Remember, you are not here to serve everybody in the world and that’s completely okay!  The more specific and narrower that you are with your ideal client, the more likely you’re going to attract them to that offer.  

Step 3:  What transformation will they experience?  

This is one of the most crucial parts of developing a magnetic offer.  You want to speak directly to your ideal client and their pain points and specify exactly what outcomes they’ll get after working with you or buying your product.  Talk about how their life will change for the better after purchasing their offer.  For example, if you’re a virtual assistant and you’re selling your services, you would be talking about how much time your client will be able to save after working with you, how they’ll be able to get more visible because you are helping them create their social media content, and so on.  People don’t just want to know what the offer is, they want to know the benefits and outcomes of the offer.  

Step 4:  What is the length?

This step should be very basic for you.  What is the duration of the offer and what is the time commitment?  This will obviously vary from business to business and whether you’re offering services versus products.  I provide business coaching for service-based entrepreneurs so we’re constantly mapping out offers such as coaching packages, virtual assistant packages, programs, masterminds, or courses.  A coaching package might be six months long and involve eighteen 45-minute sessions.  A course might be 5 modules with 4 hour’s worth of video recordings and 5 workbooks.  Whatever your offer is, really think about the time commitment associated with it.  

Step 5:  What is the price point?

Coming up with a price point for your offer can sometimes be tough.  My recommendation is to do your research.  If you haven’t sold this particular offer before, research your competitors to see what they’re offering.  The bottom line is that you want to find a price point that you are comfortable with.  If your offer is priced too high or too low, then you won’t feel confident about it and won’t feel good about trying to sell this to your ideal client.   If you are newer in business, don’t start with an offer that is priced well above the average.  Pick a starting point, get some paying clients in, and then you can always raise your prices in time.  

Step 6:  Call to action

So now you have this amazing offer and you want to shout it from the rooftops!!!  It’s your job to let everybody and their mother know about your offer!  If you stay hidden behind the scenes, then your ideal client won’t be able to find you.  You can place calls to action on almost all of your content, social media posts, email marketing, videos, etc.  Get your audience excited about your offer and talk about all of the mind-blowing transformations that they’re going to experience!  How are you going to promote your offer?  When you’re genuinely excited to sell your offer, then you’re automatically going to start attracting the right people to it.  

P.S.  I created a free workbook for you on Creating Your Clear Offer and you can access this in my Facebook group, Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs by clicking the files tab in the group.  There are also many more free resources in the group!  

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