4 Easy Ways to Start Getting Leads from Social Media

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One of the main topics that comes up frequently with my clients is how can I get more clients? In order to get more clients, you have to continuously put yourself out there.  I truly value forming relationships with people first so that they can get to know and trust me.  It’s not about simply saying “Buy from me!  Buy from me!”.  The bottom line is that you want to be connecting with people on a daily basis and putting out amazing content to show them exactly how you can help them.  There are a couple of things that you can start doing on social media right away that will help you to start forming relationships and getting more leads.

1.  Form a Facebook Group

Having a Facebook group is a great way to gather all of your ideal clients in one spot so that you can really get to know them, and they can get to know you.  It allows you to connect with people on a more personal level.  I suggest creating amazing content on a regular basis that gives your audience value and free information and allows them to engage with you.  One big misconception is that you need a ton of people in your Facebook group in order to start making sales and that’s not the case.  If you create a community of people and nurture your audience by asking engaging questions, writing great informative content, taking polls, doing live trainings, and providing challenges, then you’ll easily be able to attract clients.  I have a Facebook group called Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs and it’s a party in there every day!  I absolutely love my community and do weekly live trainings on various business topics to help other female entrepreneurs scale their businesses.  Come check it out!  

2.  Update your social media profiles

This is a very quick fix and is overlooked by many entrepreneurs.  Let’s start with Instagram.  Does your bio on Instagram tell people exactly who you are and who you help?  This should be very apparent when people look at your Instagram profile.  I also suggest including links to your website, your calendar to book a call, a link to a form to fill out, and/or a link to one of your awesome freebies.  You can easily put all of those on there by including a linktree.  

For Facebook, you can do very similar tweaks.  Make sure that your cover photo provides the same information about who you are and who you help.  If you have a Facebook group, you can also include that in your cover photo.  Another helpful hint is to add a description to your cover photo that tells more and includes a link to do something such as reach out to you, join your Facebook group, or click a link to access a freebie.

3.  Use Calls-to-Action Regularly

You can literally put a call-to-action on every piece of content that you create.  This can be as simple as asking a question to open up a dialogue.  You can also include calls-to-action on your content to tell your audience exactly what their next steps should be.  Don’t think that you’re being annoying and don’t assume that your audience knows what their next steps are.  Always open up that invitation.  In order to start getting clients, you have to put yourself out there.  I can’t even tell you how many sales calls and clients that I have gotten simply by including a call-to-action and invitation on my content.  It works!  Many times, people don’t know that they have a problem until they see something that is written and strikes a pain point.        

4.  Give Away Free Stuff

If you haven’t already, create a mind-blowing freebie that will really attract your ideal client.  What is something that your ideal client needs right now?  What is something that they are struggling with?  This will help show them that you’re the expert in your field, get them on your email list, and open up doors for a relationship.  Giving away free stuff does not just have to do with creating a freebie.  Just creating regular value-driven content every day is enough.  Show your audience that you are committed to showing up consistently for them.  

If you are still struggling to find and sign clients, then I can help.  I work with high-achieving female entrepreneurs that want to scale their businesses to 5-figure months without feeling overwhelmed. Join the waitlist to work together!

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