Don't Let Your Big Vision Kill Your Results Now

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Big Vision vs. What You’re Doing Now

When I start working with a new entrepreneur, they often have this large vision of what they want…full roster of coaching clients, making $10k months, or launching a high-ticket course that 500 people will buy immediately.  Don’t get me wrong!  These are such amazing goals to have but you can’t just go from 0 to full throttle overnight.  Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.  In order to reach your big vision or goal, you have to put forth the work on a daily basis to first hit those smaller goals.  In order to get a full roster of coaching clients, you have to sign your first 1-2 clients.  In order to hit your first $10k month, you’ll have to make your first $1k month.  In order to sell a high-ticket course to 500 people, you first have to grow your audience and build the know/like/trust factor.  

One of the things that I focus on with my coaching clients is to take their big vision and break into down into smaller, attainable goals and create an action plan on how to get there.  If a client wants to immediately get booked out with coaching clients, then I often tell them, “Let’s focus on getting 1-2 clients in the next 2 weeks.”  When they hear this, they often freeze!  If you don’t want to put in the work to get your first 1-2 clients, then how are you going to get to a full roster of 20 paying clients?  The point that I’m trying to make here is that it takes a combination of mindset work and strategy in order to get to those smaller baby steps so that you can eventually hit your big vision.

Here’s a question to ask yourself if you are currently in a similar situation:  
Are you doing the work now to get to that big vision and if not, what is holding you back?  

Beliefs That Might Be Holding You Back

1.  It has to be perfect first

Many entrepreneurs get stuck at even starting because they are constantly waiting for everything to be perfect first.  Well, it’s never going to be perfect!  Even after being a business owner for 6 years, I’m always finding ways to fine-tune my craft.  You probably won’t even know all of these details that need to be perfected until you put something out there and get feedback from your audience.  You’ll learn pretty quickly what works and what doesn’t and then you can make changes as you go through.  If you continue playing the waiting game, you’re going to wait forever and then nothing gets accomplished.  It’s going to be messy.  And that’s okay.  Just start! 

2.  I don’t think this is going to work
If you tell yourself that it’s not going to work, what do you think will happen. It won’t work.  Have you ever tried?  I am a very strong believer that there is no failure in business; there’s only learning.  If you try to launch an offer in your business and you’re not getting the results that you anticipated, there are honestly many factors that can contribute to this.  One factor is that it takes around 90 consistent days to see if something is working or not.  Have you been consistently promoting your offer for this time period?  I see way too many entrepreneurs stop too soon because they have not given their business the time that it needs to grow and develop.  Some other factors that can contribute are that you might be in front of the wrong audience and/or your messaging might not be clear.  These are areas that I specialize in with my personal coaching clients!  If you know that there is a need for your offer and that you are super passionate about it, then you keep at it until it does work.  

3.  I don’t know what I want

Many entrepreneurs have this grand vision of what they want but have a hard time actually verbalizing what that really is.  Really think hard about where you want to be in 1 year.  What do you want to be known for?  Once you start becoming crystal clear on who you are, who you help and the exact problems that you solve, then you’ll have a better starting point as to what you want to focus on.  

#1 Secret to Start Seeing Results NOW in your business

The best piece of advice that I can give you right now so that you can see results immediately, is to TAKE ACTION!  Get out there and do the messy work.  It’s not going to be perfect, or easy, for that matter, but if you’re committed to your business and the people you serve, then this should be a no-brainer.  The more resistance you have, the longer you wait, then the further away you become from that big vision.  

 Don’t let your big vision get in the way of your results now.

P.S. I regularly support my clients by helping them get out of their way so that they can start taking the steps that they need to get massive results! If you are ready to get the 1:1 support that you need in your business, then I encourage you to apply for 1:1 Business Coaching below. Join the waitlist to work together!

Sending you all light and love today!