How to Overcome the Fear of Sales

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In order to run a successful business, we need to sell our products and our services.  But why do so many entrepreneurs struggle with this?  I know that many years ago I used to struggle with this big time!  I would literally say things out loud such as, “I’m not a salesperson” or “I hate selling”.  

There are so many negative words associated with sales like sleazy, pushy, aggressive, persuasive, slimy and on and on…

Can you relate?

BUT…what if sales was actually fun? 

What if when you thought of sales you got excited?!

What if you simply changed your mindset around the concept of selling?

“Stop selling.  Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar 

This is one of the first quotes that really hit me hard.

When you get to the bottom of this, sales is all about building a relationship with someone, finding out what they are struggling with, showing them exactly how you can help, and letting them know what outcome they can expect.  

And this is exactly what I do in both of my businesses and I have gotten SO GOOD at it, that I now have a 90% close rate on my sales calls and anytime I do a sales call, my clients ask me about my services before I even have to ‘pitch’ to them!  It’s insane!  

How do you do this Sarah?!

I am so passionate and energetic about what I do.  I give tons of free value.  I let them know what is possible if they continue working with me.  


Here are 4 tips for you if you want to start loving and rocking sales in your business: 

1.  Really believe in yourself and what you have to offer

If you don’t believe in yourself and your offer, then who will?  You have to be sold on YOU first.  You have to be able to effectively communicate to your client why you are the perfect person to help them.  

2.  Start talking to people that need your help

One of the biggest mistakes that I see a lot of my coaching clients make is that they are not getting out there and talking to people that need their help or talking about their amazing offer.  Now, this starts with really knowing who your ideal client is and where they hang out.  I love using Facebook groups (and highly recommend them!) to talk to people and this is literally where the majority of my clients come from.  Post questions in Facebook groups and strike up a conversation.  Listen to what others are saying and let them know that you have a solution for them.  Give them lots of free value!  It’s really just that simple.  

3.  Have a set system in place

My coaching clients come to be because they usually struggle with finding clients and one of the first things that we work on is developing a set system that attracts consistent clients.  Together we create a magnetic offer that they can sell over and over again, a visibility plan to get them seen and heard in front of the right clients, and a detailed client-onboarding system so that their clients feel comfortable through the entire process.  If you don’t have a system in place to find and attract clients, then it’s time that we change that for you!  

4.  Set small, attainable goals

If you are currently struggling with sales in your business, then I highly recommend creating small, attainable goals that you can actually work towards.  If you want a full roster of 20 clients a week, then you have to find your first 1-2 paying clients.  If you want to sell 50 courses, then you have to first sell 5 courses.  Everybody has a starting point and sales is going to take time and practice.  If you’re just starting to put yourself out there, what small goal can you set for yourself each week?  And once you reach your first 1-2 clients or sell 1-2 courses, celebrate the heck out of those!! 

How would your business change if you started enjoying sales?

If you are looking for extra 1:1 support in your business so that you can start selling consistently, then I would love to chat with you!  I went from a high-school teacher to a 6-figure business owner within 2 years and have mastered the process and would love the same for you, too!  Join the waitlist to work together!