How to Create an Irresistible Freebie That Actually Converts

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You know that you need to grow your email list, but are you actively trying to do that? Have you already created a freebie but maybe people are not opting in?  Let’s create a new one for you or revamp your old one!  

Why you need a freebie

Why not give your ideal client something valuable for free even before they start working with you?   This is such a great way to show them how much you care and let them have a little taste of what it might be like if they actually went a step further and decided to work with you or bought one of your products.  Another great reason for having a freebie is so that you can capture your audience’s email list and market to them on a regular basis.  This will help to drive sales for your business.  You can send newsletters to let them know about upcoming events, programs, new products or send them a discount for being on your list.

Top 10 Types of freebies to create:

1.  Checklist
2.  Planner
3.  Workbook
4.  Quiz
5.  E-book
6.  Tutorial
7.  Challenge
8.  Templates
9.  Mini-course
10.  Bundle

Common reasons why your freebie might not be working:

1.  It doesn’t address or solve the problem that you promised

People can get turned off by a freebie if they opt into it and what they received is not what you said it was.  If you currently have a freebie right now, take some time to look back at it to see if the title of it and your landing page directly correlates with the material that is in the freebie and what they will get out of it.  

2.  It’s too long or too wordy
This is a very, very common problem with many of the entrepreneurs that I work with!  Your freebie should ideally be around 3-5 pages and have information in there that your ideal client can use right away.  Often people get bored if the freebie is super long and contains a lot of wordy text.  Short and concise is best!  

3.  Weak title or landing page

The title on your freebie should contain words that are very powerful and that really draws people in.  Your landing page should also let your ideal client know exactly what they’re getting.  Let’s compare these two titles: 

1).  Learn to Create a Freebie 
2).  How to Create an Irresistible Freebie That Will Actually Convert 

Which seems more appealing to you?  I think I know which one you picked, and this is actually one of my best opt-ins that has gotten thousands of downloads!!  Keep scrolling to take a look at it…

4.  It’s poorly designed

You want the aesthetic feel of your opt-in to flow nicely and be appealing to the eye.  Use your branding colors and fonts so that people can connect your freebie directly to you and your brand!  I love to use Canva to create all of my freebies and it’s super simple to use.  Try keeping your headings and footers consistent on each page and you can even use pictures and other graphics to break it up a little.  

5.  It doesn’t connect people back to the product or service you’re trying to sell

You can have a pretty awesome freebie but if it’s not helping you bring in sales, this might be something to look at.  Does your freebie lead people into a service or product that you’re selling?  If you’re an online fitness coach that helps clients lose weight and you create meal plans, it wouldn’t make sense to create a freebie on How to Create an Eye-Stopping Website.  See the disconnect?  Your freebie should be a nice gateway to the next step in working with you!  

6.  It tries to cover too much at once

This is another very common problem that I see with the entrepreneurs that I coach.  You come up with a great idea for a freebie and then that idea turns into 10 other great ideas.  Before you know it, you’ve created a 50-page guide that addresses 10 different problems.  Can anybody relate?  I’m guilty as well!  As I talked about above, make sure that your freebie is concise and addresses 1-2 key issues.  

If you want to learn how to create a freebie that will attract your dream clients and grow your email list, then check out my course Create Your Irresistible Freebie Mini-Course!

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