5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility and Grow Your Business

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It’s time to get comfortable being uncomfortable!  As an entrepreneur that wants to grow their business, it’s imperative to really get out there and become more visible.  If you’re not visible, then your clients can’t find you!

Benefits of getting visible:
 1.  Make connections
2.  Collaborate instead of compete
 3.  People will get to know, like, and trust you
 4.  Build your following
5.  More clients + more moola!

Here are 5 ways to increase your visibility and start growing your business.  

1.  Show up consistently

Showing up consistently is one of the main ways that you are going to build trust with your audience.  You want to figure out for your specific business what exact social media platforms you’re going to be using and how often you will be posting during the week.  Find a schedule that works for you and your lifestyle that is sustainable and not too overwhelming.  Your audience is depending on you to provide them with the information that they need.  They will be able to see you and really get to know the real you!  Another great idea is to incorporate pictures of yourself into your social media posts.  I honestly used to hate the idea of doing this…I don’t want to take selfies and it just seemed silly!   The pictures that you post also don’t have to be perfect.  People want to see the flaws and you in all of your wonderful forms.  Once I started posting pictures of myself, everything changed.  People want to know the face behind the business and remember, it’s not about YOU!  You’re doing this to help your audience and provide a deeper connection.

2.  Do live videos

Doing live videos is a great way to connect with your ideal client on a weekly basis.  Did you know that “81% of businesses use video marketing as a tool”? (Biteable) Creating live videos and trainings really boosts engagement on all social media platforms and is one of the best ways to build the know-like-trust factor with your audience.  If you haven’t done this yet, I challenge you to start!  Your live videos do not have to be super long and can literally just be a couple of minutes where you pop on to say hi and give some helpful tips or information that your clients can use.  Each week in my Facebook group, Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs, I do one live training on a business topic and I also interview other amazing female entrepreneurs that want to get more visible.  During these lives, the audience can join and ask questions and leave comments.  I have gotten so many wonderful comments and private messages from people stating that my live trainings really helped them AND it has also helped me to gain some new clients.  At first, this might seem daunting, but I promise you it works!

3.  Collaborate with other business owners

Another great way to get more visible in your business is to collaborate with other entrepreneurs.  See if there are opportunities for you to do a live interview and this could either be in somebody else’s Facebook group, your Facebook group, or a Podcast.  Think of how many wonderful people that you can literally get in front of so that they can learn about you and your business?!  Also, try sharing an influencer’s post in your Instagram story and tagging them.  Many times, the influencer will notice and then share it back with you tagged!  How fun is that?  You can also be a guest contributor to another entrepreneur’s blogs or even come together to collaborate on a new project together.  I’ve seen many course creators have guest contributors within their course on a topic that they are an expert in.  How can you start collaborating with other entrepreneurs to get more visible? 

4.  Start small and work your way up

The bottom line is that you want to start small and then work your way up.  There’s no way that you can do all of this at once and that’s totally okay!  Think of 1-2 things to start with and get really comfortable with those.  Then, you can gradually add on more and more things as time goes on.  Getting visible in your business does not happen overnight and can seem overwhelming in the beginning.  As your business grows throughout time, you can also hire a team of people to help you grow even more!   I’ve been lucky enough to work with many virtual assistants throughout the past six years that have helped take over my social media posts so that I can work ‘on’ my business as opposed to ‘in’ my business.  But in order to get in that place in my business, I had to work really hard at it myself.  If I can do it, you can too!  

5.   Create a visibility plan

What is your next step?  Well, to put all of this together and create your own visibility plan!  Here are some questions to get you started:

 1.  What are your goals?
2.  What social media platforms do you want to focus on?
3.  How many times a day do you want to post?
4.  How will you go live to connect with your audience?
5.  What are some ways that you can collaborate with other entrepreneurs?  

As a successful entrepreneur, you want to wake up every day feeling comfortable and confident that you know exactly how you’ll be marketing your business so that you can reach your ideal clients…right?  No more waking up and throwing spaghetti at the wall!  

I have something for you…

I’m now offering a 2-Hour Intensive called Your Unique Visibility Plan where I personally will meet with you online for 2-hours and help you map out your own visibility plan.  Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

-       Overcome certain mindset blocks that have been holding you back from getting visible
-       Complete a social media audit to see what platforms are going to be best for you
-       Learn the anatomy of a magnetizing social media post and what you NEED to input into your posts to attract your ideal client
-       Create 3-6 months of social media content with your unique content buckets and topics so that you will be ahead of the game and less stressed with becoming visible
-       Develop a specific content and visibility plan to make sure that you're seen and heard
-       Learn how to develop content that attracts clients to YOU on a daily basis

Soooo good, right?!  I have limited spaces for these each month and if you’re interested, then book your fre 30-minute session with me so that I can learn more about your business and determine if this will be a good fit for you!

Book your free 30-minute session!

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