How to Build Your Rock-Solid Mindset for Growth

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I am a big believer that mindset is the foundation of every successful business.  Think how drastically your life would change if you start developing a powerful mindset and practice mindset work each day!  You can have a vision and a great plan put together, but if you don’t believe in yourself and your vision, then what do you think is going to happen?  Let’s dive into how to grow your rock-solid mindset around growth so that you can have a thriving business!

 1. You have to believe that your success is inevitable

Remember, that big vision you have?  Always keep that in the forefront of your mind.  Your success is right in front of you and it’s just a matter of taking those small steps to get there.  

If you don’t believe in yourself or the services and products you sell, then who will?  When I started my first business iAchieve Learning in 2014, I could totally envision what it would look like in years to come.  I could see myself leading a successful team and offering multiple educational services to help students and families of all backgrounds and ability levels.  And guess what?  I was able to achieve all of that…and now I’m doing the exact same thing with my coaching business.  Use the power of visualization to help you.  If you truly believe that it’s possible for you to achieve, then it’s just a matter of time.  

 2. You can’t let fear or mistakes get in your way

Fear is one of the biggest roadblocks that can literally stop or paralyze somebody from taking action in their business.  This is completely normal and here are some questions to ask yourself:

1.  Why are you scared?

2.  What are you scared of?

3.  What’s the worst that can happen?        

When running a business, stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks is a necessary part.  Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump.  Sometimes you just have to try something and know that it’s not going to be perfect the first time around.  Mistakes are going to happen but that’s all a part of the process.      

One of my famous lines that I tell all of my coaching clients is:  

Many entrepreneurs want to wait until things are perfect before they even get started.  Building a business takes commitment and the willingness to push forward through the fear.  It’s not going to be perfect right away and that’s okay! 

 3. Surround yourself with like-minded successful entrepreneurs

They say that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.  Who would you say are the 5 closest people to you?  Are the people in your life positive, encouraging, strong, successful individuals?  Or are they draining and not supportive of you?  You have the ability to choose who you surround yourself with.  I do have the most amazing and supportive fiancé, family, and friends and I am so grateful for that!  I have also worked with 3 high-end coaches throughout the past 6 years and have developed many positive relationships with other like-minded business people in my industry.  I highly recommend taking a look at who you’re surrounding yourself with and what impact they have on your life.   

 4. Develop an abundance mindset

Having an abundance mindset means that you believe that there is enough to go around for everybody. Many people live with a scarcity mindset and live in a state of fear because there’s never enough.  When you have an abundance mindset, you are open to more possibilities and the success of others around you doesn’t trigger you or impact you.  On the other hand, people with a scarcity mindset will compete for available resources because they believe that there is not enough.  

Believe that there is more than enough to go around for everybody.

Give more.

See the world full of opportunities.

Be grateful for everything that you currently have.

Believe that there are no limitations to what you can achieve.

Your mindset is so very important because what you think about on a daily basis and the thoughts that you tell yourself will in turn become the actions that you take.  

I did a live training about How to Build Your Rock-Solid Mindset for Growth in my Facebook group, Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs, and created a really cool worksheet that goes along with it!  You can access the live training and free worksheet by clicking this link here:  

How to Build Your Rock-Solid Mindset for Growth Free Training

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