5 Ways to Start Booking Discovery Calls Now

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You’re looking for more clients, right?  I know what you mean.  How do you get someone to hop on a call with you?  Why do others make it seem so easy?  Years ago, I was terrified to book a sales call because I felt that I had to turn into this strange sales person and it never felt good to me.  Well that couldn’t be further from the truth!  When you’re running your own business, you need to openly talk to people about what you do and how you can help them.  Trust me, it’s way easier than it seems and once you start changing your mindset around this, you’ll be able to start filling up your calendar pretty quickly.  

Think of it this way:
- You’re an expert in your field and want to help people with A, B, and C
- Susy is really struggling with A, B, and C and needs some assistance
- You ask Susy about her struggles and explain to her EXACTLY how you can help with A, B, and C and what transformation she will expect when you’re done working together
- You ask Susy how she would feel after doing so and if she would like to speak further

 People are out there that really need your help and it’s up to you to get out there!  Let me show you 5 ways to start booking discovery calls right now…

1.  Offer Free Discovery Calls

This may seem obvious but you have to honestly ask yourself how often are you really offering discovery calls?  If you simply have a little post on your website that says, “Book Your Free Discovery Call!” then I’m sorry, that’s not enough.  It’s your job as the business owner to actively go out each day, promote your calls, and do client engaging activities.  Try challenging yourself with a simple goal such as booking 5 calls in one day.  

2.  Tell People About What You’re Selling

Yes, it’s important to give out free information and value but you also need to promote your paid services.  Tell people about what you’re selling, why it will help them and what they can expect to see or feel after they are done working with you.  Many times, people don’t even realize that they are struggling with something until after they read about or hear about it.  Once you have a conversation with them, they’re more likely to open up and see how beneficial your services are.  

3.  Include a Call to Action

Every single piece of content you have should always include a Call to Action.  You can easily include call to actions on your blog posts, social media posts, Instagram stories, and emails you send out.  Tell your audience exactly what their next steps are and what you want them to do.  

Do you want them to follow you on social media, join your Facebook group, buy your course, download a freebie, or book a call with you?   

4.  Follow Up 

You have to follow up with your leads MULTIPLE times!  If somebody has expressed interest but hasn’t taken action, definitely reach back out to see how they’re doing.  There is no set number on how many times you should reach out but if they haven’t given you a direct no, then keep trying.  Create a systematized follow-up schedule and keep track of your leads by using a spreadsheet.  People are often thankful that you remembered them and are thinking about them.   

5.  Use Testimonials

Are you regularly posting client testimonials regularly?  Your audience wants to see evidence of who you have helped and what results they have gotten.  Some ways that you can showcase your testimonials include sprinkling them in your content, including them in your weekly emails, posting them on social media and your stories.  If your audience sees amazing results from other customers, they’re more inclined to also want to set up a discovery call. 

P.S.  If you’re looking for help attracting clients and creating a sales process for your business that feels good, then I can help. I would love to chat with you about your business and see if we are a good fit to work together. Your next steps >>> Join the waitlist to work together!

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