5 Ways to Grow Your Email List FAST

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The best way to increase engagement with your audience and to build your business is to create an email list to market to.  Well, how do you get people to sign up for your email list without sounding salesy?  You have to create something with value that they will want from you.  I’ve put together a list of the top 5 ways to start growing your email list quickly, today!  Let’s start building your email list! 

1.  Create a Freebie
Freebies are the way to go!  Everybody likes to get something for free and this can quickly help add many people to your email list.  There are many different types of freebies that you can create such as a workbook, a checklist, a planner, an eBook or a tips sheet.  When you post your freebie on your website or social media pages, people will have to enter in their name and email address in order to receive it.  Try creating freebies around topics that your ideal client struggles with.  You will be giving away valuable information for them to use and in turn be building a trusting relationship with them.

2.  Create a Quiz
Creating quizzes is a new and fun way to help your clients and also to start building your email list.  Do you remember when you were a teenager and there were all of those fun quizzes to take in magazines?  Or, Facebook now has plenty of silly quizzes that you can take.  Keep your quiz relatively short and again base it around a problem that you can help your ideal client solve.  You can post this quiz directly on your website and also on your social media links.  Give it a fun and lighthearted name to help attract people!

3.  Host a Challenge
There are various ways that you can host a challenge.  One way is to create an email sequence so that the people that are opting in will receive consecutive educational emails each day for a set amount of time.  Challenges are very engaging for many people because it prompts them to want to take action on a particular area that they’re struggling with.  For example, I offer a free 10-Day Motivate Me Challenge where my opt-ins will receive an email each day for ten days, with lots of great content and advice and I also have a worksheet attached for them to fill out.  This has been a huge success for me and I’m finding that many people love it!  Try it out for yourself…

4.  Use Pinterest
I absolutely love Pinterest!  Any freebie or opt-in that you create you should also create a Pin for and put on your Pinterest page.  You can steer people directly to your freebie by attaching a link and you can also promote your website.  You can take this one step further by promoting one of your pins on Pinterest.  This does involve doing a paid advertisement but by doing this you gain the advantage of being in the lead with your pins and you can narrow down your audience greatly to ensure that your target market is being reached.  

5.  Run a Webinar
Hosting a free webinar for your audience is definitely a great way to start building an email list!  What topic are you an expert in that you can share?  What do you feel like you can talk about with confidence for 30-60 minutes?  I know it sounds scary at first, but if you plan it out and practice, it’s really not all that bad.  People also like to see and hear who the main person is behind the business instead of always just seeing pictures.  

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