My Top 5 Business Tools

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I seriously wish there were 48 hours in a day. 

But there’s not so I have to make sure that I’m being extra efficient with my time! I watched an amazing YouTube video from @edmylett the other day called This is the GREATEST THING You Can Do Every Morning! where he was speaking about having mini days within one day. He chunks his day down into 3 mini days. From 6am-12pm in the first part, from 12pm-6pm is the second part, and from 6pm-12am is the third part. When you plan your day out and chunk it into smaller segments, you’re more likely to get more accomplished. It was such a great video and I highly recommend it!!

Does time control you or do you control your time? 

There are certain programs and systems that I use for my two businesses to plan ahead and help save time and I’d love to share them with you! 

I absolutely love Trello and I have boards for both my tutoring/music company and for my coaching business. Trello is a project management system where you can literally keep track of everything and also have your team members in there. You can create lists, calendars, contacts, goals, upcoming projects, ideas, social media calendars and do much more. My lovely VA and I use this regularly to track everything we’re doing. I highly recommend it! 

Buffer is a system used to plan and schedule all social media posts. You can keep all of your social media accounts in one place and it contains analytics to measure your audience engagement. Sometimes we can plan social media posts anywhere from 2-4 weeks in advance!! 

Canva is probably my all time favorite tool. You can basically create any type of design image on Canva and it’s super user friendly. There’s templates in there to use and change it you can create your own. I don’t know what I would do without Canva! 

How many passwords do you have? How do you keep track of them all? Upper case, lower case, at least 8 characters, ahhhh!!! LastPass is one place where you can manage all of your accounts and passwords. You even have the ability to add on team members to utilize your accounts and they don’t be able to see your password. 

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What do you use? I would love to hear! Leave a comment below and join me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!