3 Revenue Generating Activities to Start Doing to Attract More Clients

It’s so common for entrepreneurs to become overwhelmed with everything they should be doing.  Many times when I talk with my personal coaching clients, I discover that they are busy doing things in their business but not actually spending their time on the right activities that will help them generate more clients.  What should you be doing with your time?  I’m going to break this down for you today and address 3 revenue-generating activities to start doing right away in order to get clients.  

One myth that I want to first dispel is that you do not have to have everything set up perfectly in your business before you actually start working with paying clients!  If you wait until everything is perfect in your business then you’re going to be waiting forever because it’s honestly never going to be perfect.  You’re going to constantly be tweaking your craft, adding more, and improving.  So, no more waiting!  Let’s start getting you some clients!  

1.  Get in front of the right people

If you want clients like yesterday, then this is what you need to focus on right now.  We need to ensure that you are on the right social media platforms and in Facebook groups where your ideal client is hanging out. The most important piece of this is to make sure that you are putting out amazing content and showing up as the expert in your field.  It’s not enough to just have a Facebook business page or to be in the Facebook groups.  You need a visibility and marketing plan so that people can see and hear you on a daily basis.  This is exactly how I have scaled both of my businesses and have a constant flow of clients.  I highly recommend keeping your visibility plan super simple.  You do not have to be on all social media platforms!  Pick 1-2 social media platforms to commit to and really master those. 


2.  Add value and communicate how you can help

Your brand message is so powerful and your audience needs to know exactly how you can help.  Ways in which you can add value to your audience are by creating content with tips that they can start using right away, writing blogs, doing live trainings, sending emails, and really giving them a chance to get to know you.  It takes time for people to build the know/like/trust factor with you and the more you put yourself out there and start building relationships, the quicker you will start getting clients.  If you’re just sitting back waiting and hoping that customers will give you their money, that’s not going to work.  

 Hope is not a strategy.

I love providing tons of free value in my Facebook group, Freedom Living Female Entrepreneurs and have been able to personally connect with many of my ideal clients that have turned into paying clients.  It’s as simple as striking up a conversation with somebody online to see what they are struggling with and letting them know how you can help. 


3.  Invite people into your offers

It doesn’t matter if you are selling a product or a service – you need to be talking about your offer all of the time and actually inviting others into your offer.  Here are a couple of questions to consider:

What is my offer?
Who is it for?
Why do they need it right now?
What problem will it help my audience solve?
Why am I the best person to buy this from?

Once you answer these questions, you can regularly create content talking about your offers so that your ideal clients see this all of the time.  Having a strong call-to-action at the end is so important because your audience might not realize what their next steps are.  It’s your job as the business owner, to let them know exactly what their next steps should be.


“Click on the link below to book your free call!”

“Come join my Facebook group to see the live training!”

“Click the link below to learn more about …!”

“Get your copy of … right here!”

All three of the revenue-generating activities above you can start implementing into your business right away!  

Here are some things to NOT do:

1.  Don’t sit there and consume content all day and not create your own content
2.  Don’t wait for your website to be launched until you start going out and talking with people about your offers
3.  Don’t try to be on all social media platforms at once
4.  Don’t sit behind the scenes playing it small and not taking action
5.  Don’t overthink!  

If you are really struggling with finding clients then I have the perfect thing for you!  I offer a 2-hour Intensive where we create Your Unique Visibility Plan and this is exactly what you need to get seen and heard in your business and start generating the money that you want!  What do you have to do?  Simply click the link below to first book your Free 30-minute call with me so that I can learn about your business and we can find a good day/time to do the 2-hour intensive.  Act quickly because I only offer a couple of these each month and they go like hotcakes!! 

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