5 Steps to Rewrite Your Money Story

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Do you currently feel ‘stuck’ in your money situation?  You can’t catch up.  You want to make more money but don’t know how.  Every time you feel like you’re ahead, something else pops us that you have to pay for.  

Our current money beliefs are a direct reflection of the money beliefs that we grew up with.  I challenge you to think back to how your mom, dad, and family viewed money.  Think really hard about what your current views on money are and write all of them down.  Do you see a connection?  

The beautiful piece is that you have the power and ability to change your money beliefs any time you want.  I can honestly say that as an adult I used to have some negative thoughts about money that really held me back from receiving the money that I truly desired.  It took a lot of intentional work on my part to start changing my thought process and I want to help you today!  I’m going to walk you through a series of exercises and suggest that you take notes and write down your answers.

I now believe that money is energy and what you focus on expands.  If you focus on debt and not having enough, that’s what you’ll end up with.  If you focus on abundance and that there will always be enough money available, then that’s what you’ll attract!   

”You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.”
- Dave Ramsey

Here are some common money beliefs that people hold:

- Money is evil

- I don’t deserve a lot of money

- I never have enough money

- Only certain people make large amounts of money

- I’m selfish if I think about money or want money

Do any of these resonate with you?  

PART 1:  Past money beliefs

If you know what your past money beliefs are, then you can start focusing on changing those so that you can start attracting more money.  Below are some questions that I want you to consider:

1.  What were your parent’s beliefs about money when you were growing up?   

2.  What was their relationship with money?  


3.  Did they have a lot of money or not a lot of money?  


4.  Were they spenders or savers?


5.  How did you feel about money growing up?  


6.  What are your current beliefs about money today?  


7. What are the first thoughts that come to your mind when you think about money?  


Take the time to really think through each one of these so that you fully understand your past money beliefs.  


PART 2:  How we subconsciously sabotage ourselves

It’s common to think about money and want more but when it actually comes down to it, many people sabotage themselves in terms of reaching those goals.  If it were easy to become a millionaire, then we would all be there!  Many times, it’s us holding ourselves back and it’s a combination of both our thought process and actions that create our current money story.  

Here’s how we sabotage ourselves:

1.  Spending more than we want

2.  Not making it a point to save money

3.  Feeling undeserving of money

4.  Charging low rates thinking that you’ll get more people in

5.  There is not a lot of money in the world


Let’s work to start changing some of these beliefs!  Here are some questions that I want you to consider:

1.  Do you believe that money is good or bad?  Why?  


2.  How have you sabotaged yourself with money?


3.  What negative money stories have you been telling yourself?


PART 3:  Your purpose for money

What is your big WHY about wanting more money?  Many people associate negative traits with wanting more money because it feels greedy and selfish.  If you honestly sit back and ask yourself, “What is your purpose for wanting more money?” I think that is going to help change your beliefs!  

I want more money because:

- I want a better life for myself and my family

- I want to be able to afford college for my kids

- I want the freedom to go on vacations and enjoy life

- I want to be able to help others and give

All of the reasons above are for a greater good and to help you live a more fulfilling life! 

I want you to consider the questions below: 

1.  What is your purpose for wanting more money?


2.  How would this benefit and change your life for the better?


3.  Do you believe that this is possible for you?

PART 4:  Simple changes you can make with money today

It is possible to start making changes TODAY that can help shift your views about money.  Below are 5 ideas to get you started.  

1.  Make it a point to save.  Pick a number or percent each month that you are going to put away and make it a non-negotiable.  You come first! 

2.  Take a look at how much you spend each week and month and find simple ways to stop spending.  Instead of going to Starbucks every day, go 1-2 times per week.  Instead of shopping at the most expensive grocery store, pick one that is cheaper.  Buy small items at the dollar store.  Find ways to lower your bills.  

3.  Make a budget and stick to it!  When is the last time that you sat down and analyzed all of your spending both in your personal life and your business?

4.  If you are in debt, instead of ignoring it, create a plan to attack it.  

5.  When is the last time you raised your rates?  Seriously sit down and make it point to do so.  

PART 5:  Your new money story

You get to decide what you want your new money story to be.  Wouldn’t it be great to think about money and have feelings of excitement, happiness, and abundance?  The way that your family portrayed money and how you were brought up does not have to be your money story today.  

I’m going to give you two exercises to do:

1.  Make a list of your old money beliefs and then below each one of them, create a new money belief that is going to serve you right now.

2.  Journal on this:  What do you want your new money story to be?  


I hope that this was helpful for you and I’m sending you tons of light and love!

P.S. Mindset is one of the main areas that I focus on with my personal coaching clients. If you can work on creating a rock-solid mindset for success, then your business will follow right behind. If you are ready to take your business to the next level and start creating 5-figure months without feeling overwhelmed, then I encourage you to fill out the application below to work together. Join the waitlist to work together!

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