How to Create Goals That You'll Actually Achieve

Are you the type of person that is always setting goals but somehow never following through with them? This can be so frustrating because you always end up in the same cycle and never seem to make progress in your business or in your personal life.  It’s not only important to set goals but it’s important that you also track them over time.  

Don’t worry if you have been struggling achieving your goals because I’m going to break down exactly what you need to do to ensure that you hit every goal that you set.  

Brainstorming Your Goals

It’s not enough to just think about and dream about some amazing goal that you have.  You also have to write it down and create an action plan to achieve it.  The first step that I have my personal coaching clients do when planning out goals for their business is to do a brain dump.  This can be such a fun activity to do because the sky is the limit!  Take out a piece of paper or open a doc on your computer and just starting writing down all goals and thoughts around your goals that come to mind.  Get it all out!  When you are finished with your brain dump for your goals, go back through your list and pick one main goal that you want to achieve in the next 3 months.  Then pick another goal that you want to achieve in the next 6 months. 

Here are a couple of examples of goals that my 1:1 coaching clients have created:

- One client that recently started her own life coaching practice wants 10 paying clients  in the next 3 months
- Another client wants to finish and launch her course in November and wants to sell at least 20 courses.
- A third 1:1 client is trying to reach the next level in her business and has a 3-month goal of hitting $15k months.

The goals that you set for your business and for your personal life should feel exciting and a little out of your reach.  You also want to make sure that you set realistic goals.  It wouldn’t make sense to have a 3-month goal of making $500k in your business if you are a brand new business owner.  

4 Steps You Need to Achieve Your Goals

Step 1: Set Specific Goals
One reason that people struggle to achieve their goals is because they are way too broad.  You want to be specific and have a deadline to your goal.  Let’s compare two different examples.  

Goal that’s too broad:  I want more clients in my business
Specific goal that’s achievable:  I want to sign 5 new clients in my business in 2 months

Do you see the difference?  The second goal is way more specific and is easy to track over the 2 months.  For the goals that you created during your braindump, make sure that you made them specific enough and if you didn’t, simply go back and add to them.

Step 2:  Write Your Goal Down and Tell Others
When you write down your goals, you’re actually confirming to yourself and the universe that this is what you want.  It’s no longer a thought that is just randomly floating around in your mind.  This enables you to have a clear focus on what you want to achieve and to go into greater detail with your vision.  Evidence has shown that people that write their goals down have a greater chance at reaching them than people that do not.  You can also go one step further and tell your close family and friends about your goals and this adds another level of commitment and accountability. 

Step 3:  Break Your Goal Down Into Smaller Pieces
Having a goal is wonderful but you need to know exactly how you are going to get there!  I highly suggest always breaking your goal down into smaller pieces and creating specific action steps that will move you towards that goal.  For example, if your goal is to write a book within one year, then maybe you set smaller goals such as completing one chapter per month and have a specific number of pages that you want to aim to write each week.  This makes that larger goal seem that much more doable once you start breaking it down.

Step 4:  Track Your Goal
The last and one of the most important steps to achieving your goals is having a way to regularly track them.  When you track them on a regular basis, you’re more likely to hold yourself accountable for them and this increases your chances of actually achieving them.  There are many different and creative ways to do this!  You can schedule your small action steps in your calendar or even use an app such as ClickUp,, or Joe’s Goals.  

Now it’s YOUR turn to start creating some amazing goals to achieve!

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