Your 5-Step Formula to Hitting Your First $10k Month

Is achieving $10k months a goal within your business? Allow me to assure you that it's entirely attainable, and you might be closer than you realize. Each phase of business growth comes with new mental barriers and adjustments to conquer. If you're a driven female entrepreneur prepared to elevate your online business, then the time is now. As an experienced Business Coach committed to assisting other incredible women in building their own profitable online businesses, I will outline a simple 5-step formula for you. When you approach this formula with determination and careful planning, it can guide you towards your first $10k month.

One of the most significant pieces of advice I can offer you right from the start is to detach from the focus on money and results. This might sound counterintuitive but let me explain. When you learn to prioritize serving your clients and providing them with the best possible experience, the money will naturally follow. I promise you! I learned this lesson many years ago when I first started, and it's something my initial Business Coach shared with me. I used to obsessively track daily finances and get emotionally worked up about them. While understanding your numbers is important, fixating on them is counterproductive. Your role as a business owner is to consistently show up, deliver incredible value, and repeat. Here’s another quick example related to how I met my husband. When I was single, I was desperately trying to date and find my soulmate. I was putting in so much effort! I joined multiple dating sites, frequently went out to meet people, and went on 2-3 dates per week. I overanalyzed every situation, longing to find 'the one'. However, this approach yielded no results. It wasn't until I let go, started having fun, being myself, and focusing more on other aspects of my life that I randomly met my husband. The timing was perfect, and everything fell into place. The same principle applies to your business as well!

Here is your 5-step formula to hitting your first $10k month.

Step #1: Decide

This first step is both simple and complicated to do at the same time. Just decide.

What does it mean to be decided?

You are fully committed no matter what.
You will stop at nothing to reach your goals.
You will find ways to break through your fears and mindset blocks.
You are fully ready to embrace success and all the good and bad that it brings.

What does it mean to not be fully decided?
Your fears are greater than your goals.
You are not fully ready to step outside of your comfort zone.
You are not fully committed, meaning that you are not interested in creating a plan and taking the massive action that you need to take.

Entrepreneurs that are decided on $10k months will stop at nothing until they achieve that goal.  I want to empower you to believe that you CAN become decided, no matter who you are or what stage you are in your entrepreneurial journey! It doesn’t matter if you have a 9-5 job right now. It doesn’t matter if you have a family with multiple kids. It doesn’t matter if you are just beginning or have been in business for some time.

Step 2: Get Focused

Get laser-focused in every category of your business! Are you truly concentrating on your priorities, or do you find yourself juggling multiple tasks at once? Do you frequently alter your offerings to appeal to everyone, losing your core focus? Are you experimenting with new business strategies each week without dedicating time to master a select few over time?

Focusing involves not only understanding your ideal client better than they understand themselves but also honing in on your offer to ensure its precise definition and packaging, which magnetizes the right audience. It's all about staying on track and not getting overly worried about what your competitors are up to. Alongside this, make sure you have a regular plan to be present in front of your ideal clients every day.  As put by Steve Jobs, "Focus and simplicity…once you get there, you can move mountains."

Step 3: Do It Scared

In the journey of growing your business, perfection and having all the answers aren't prerequisites. Stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on daunting challenges is how you progress, and trust me, you've got what it takes!  Move forward despite the fear. Experiment, learn, and don't hold yourself back. Present your authentic self, create valuable content, engage with others, and showcase your expertise.

Embrace the scary steps - going live, providing consistent content, reaching out via emails - imperfections don't matter. You've got time to refine things as you go. Remember, fear is a natural part of business growth. There are so many times in both of my businesses that I was afraid of trying something because it was new. Just know that we all go through these periods and it’s an essential part of the process. If I can do it, so can you!

Step 4: Step Into Your 6-Figure CEO Role Now

If you want to start hitting $10k months, then start acting like that kick-ass CEO right now. The way in which you function each day and the schedule that you create for yourself is a big piece of becoming that next level version of yourself.

If you were to close your eyes right now and picture the future CEO version of yourself, how would that person be functioning on a daily basis? What traits or characteristics would they possess?

Here are some examples:
Strategic thinker
Emotionally intelligent
Efficient time management (not wasting time)
Consistent presence for their audience
Leadership within their industry
Willingness to step outside of their comfort zone

Start acting like that NOW.

Map out your schedule for the week and figure out exactly when you’re working with clients. If you don't have clients scheduled right now during those time slots, then engage in client-attracting activities during those times. If you are planning on launching something in your business, ensure you give yourself the proper amount of time to prepare and get all materials ready. Are you actively growing your audience each day? Ultimately, if you want serious results, then you must take your business seriously.

Step 5: Get Support

Let me highlight a crucial step that I cannot stress enough. Don't shy away from seeking help and getting support in your business. When I started my first business back in 2014, one of the first things that I did was hire a Business Coach for 6 consecutive months because I had no business experience.  I knew the value of investing in this support upfront so that I could set my business up correctly and not waste time or money in the future.  Since then, I have also worked with two other business coaches and invested in a high-level mastermind.  Investing in 1:1 business support provided me personalized guidance, targeted problem-solving, and individualized strategies that led to quicker and more effective solutions for my business.

Think about it—when you're not feeling well, you see a doctor; when tax season comes around, you hire a CPA to make sure everything's in order; you invest time and money in your education. So, why not consider getting the support you need to guide your business growth? It's like having a trusted partner on your journey.

I want you to know that your journey to a first $10k month is more achievable than you realize. Embrace these five steps and apply them to your unique situation. Now is your chance to secure your place among the successful online businesses!

If you are looking for the 1:1 support that you need to master your mindset, strategy, content, and sales so that you can build your own profitable online business, then I invite you to join the waitlist to work together!