The 5 Characteristics of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

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Many people want to start a business because they see other people making a lot of money and they want that immediate success, too.  Well my friends, it’s not all cake and confetti!  I absolutely love working on and running my businesses but success is not a straight-lined path.  There’s more twists and turns, ups and downs then you can ever imagine!  Do you have what it takes?

Without passion, you have nothing.  When you genuinely love what you’re doing, then work won’t feel like work and your clients will know.  Passion is what drives successful entrepreneurs and what helps them through all of the ups and downs of being a business owner.  If you’re not passionate about your ideas, work and products, why should your customers be? 

When running your own business, you’re often wearing many hats.  Taking phone calls, booking appointments, interviews, marketing, social media, managing and learning new types of software, programs and apps, creating content, blogging, podcasting, and the list goes on.  One essential aspect is having the self-discipline to get sh** done!  You can easily sit back and get distracted, but who’s going to run your business?  What goals do you have for the month or the year?  Maybe you need to have the discipline to either get up super early or stay up late to organize and work.  It’s not uncommon for new entrepreneurs to work around the clock in order to get their businesses up and running.  

Risk Taker
Starting a business is in itself, a risky venture.  Stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things is how you learn what works and what doesn’t work for your business.  If you stay in the ‘safe zone’ all of the time, then you’re more likely to not grow or change and that can impact your business in the long run.  You have to be comfortable with putting yourself out there and stepping outside of the box.  

Vision Oriented
Having a vision in mind for your business is crucial and this is a topic that I discuss frequently with my clients.  The initial idea that you have in mind is a great start, but how do you vision your business in one year? In five years? In ten years?  How will it grow and change and still be successful?  Keep in mind that the idea that you have now might not be valid in years to come.  You want to be able to create a brand that will last throughout time.  This vision is the energy that helps drive you as an entrepreneur.

Successful entrepreneurs are open to change and new ideas.  There are going to be many challenges throughout time and often times these are completely unexpected and unanticipated.  Having the ability to look at a problem from multiple perspectives and making clear decisions is crucial.  If you also have a team of people that either work for you or with you, then you can learn a lot from what they have to offer as a team-member.  

Bottom line:  Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of dedication and time, and success does not happen overnight.  Embrace the highs and lows and remember to think of every situation as a learning experience.  Keep your emotional intelligence in check and your head on straight.  Lead others with passion and humility and keep the end goal in mind.  

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