Posts in Business Tools
5 Ways to Grow Your Email List FAST

The best way to increase engagement with your audience and to build your business is to create an email list to market to.  Well, how do you get people to sign up for your email list without sounding salesy?  You have to create something with value that they will want from you.  I’ve put together a list of the top 5 ways to start growing your email list quickly, today!  Let’s start building your email list! 

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My Top 5 Business Tools

I seriously wish there were 48 hours in a day.

But there’s not so I have to make sure that I’m being extra efficient with my time! I watched an amazing YouTube video from @edmylett the other day called This is the GREATEST THING You Can Do Every Morning! where he was speaking about having mini days within one day. He chunks his day down into 3 mini days. From 6am-12pm in the first part, from 12pm-6pm is the second part, and from 6pm-12am is the third part. When you plan your day out and chunk it into smaller segments, you’re more likely to get more accomplished. It was such a great video and I highly recommend it!

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