Posts in Motivation
How to Move Past Fear and Live Your Dream Life

I was lying in bed late at night, heart pounding in my chest, with thoughts just racing through my mind. I had just gotten divorced, lived in an empty house that I now had to manage on my own, hated my career, and the dead silence that surrounded me literally caused so much anxiety in my core. This was how I spent my nights for months on end and probably got around 2-3 hours of sleep at most. I would talk to myself, God, anything that would listen to my terrifying thoughts and question how I even got here in the first place.

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The One Question That Continues to Motivate Me

One question that I get asked about often is – where do you find your motivation? To be completely honest, I’ve always been a very motivated person ever since I was a little girl. When I think back to when I was young, I do remember feeling motivated because of results that I was seeing. For example, I started playing the piano at the age of 7 years old and wanted so badly to be able to play as well as the kids that performed every year at our recital…

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